Telecom Lille CRIStAL

Dynamic Hand Gesture 14/28 dataset

The Dynamic Hand gesture 14/28 dataset contains sequences of 14 hand gestures performed in two ways: using one finger and the whole hand. Each gesture is performed 5 times by 20 participants in 2 ways - described above - , resulting in 2800 sequences. All participants are right handed. Sequences are labelled following their gesture, the number of fingers used, the performer and the trial. Each frame of sequences contains a depth image, the coordinates of 22 joints both in the 2D depth image space and in the 3D world space forming a full hand skeleton. The Intel RealSense short range depth camera is used to collect our dataset. The depth images and hand skeletons were captured at 30 frames per second, with a resolution of the depth image of 640x480. The length of sample gestures ranges from 20 to 50 frames.

Intel Real Sense Depth camera

Intel Real Sense Depth camera

Skeleton of the Intel Real Sense Depth camera

The full skeleton returned by the Intel Real Sense

Skeleton of the Intel Real Sense Depth camera

Two different hand shapes using (a) one finger or (b) the whole hand

If you use this dataset, please cite the following paper:

Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition using Skeleton-based Features , Quentin De Smedt, Hazem Wannous and Jean-Philippe Vandeborre, 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW).


The files of the dataset are structured as below:

|   +---finger_1
|  |   +---subject_1
|  |  |   +---essai_1
|  |  |   |   
|  |  |   |   depth_1.png
|  |  |   |   depth_2.png
|  |  |   |   ...
|  |  |   |   depth_N.png
|  |  |   |   general_information.txt
|  |  |   |   skeleton_image.txt
|  |  |   |   skeleton_world.txt
|  |  |   |
|  |  |   \---essai_2
|  |  |   ...
|  |  |   \---essai_5
|  |   \---subject_2
|  |   ...
|  |   \---subject_20
|   \---finger_2

For a sequence of size N:

informations_troncage_sequences.txt contains a matrix of size 2800x6. The line format is as follows: #gesture - #finger - #subject - #essai - # frame of the the effective beginning of the gesture - # frame of the the effective end of the gesture.

List of the 14 gestures

# Name of the gesture Type of the gesture
1 Grab Fine
2 Tap Coarse
3 Expand Fine
4 Pinch Fine
5 Rotation CW Fine
6 Rotation CCW Fine
7 Swipe Right Coarse
8 Swipe Left Coarse
9 Swipe Up Coarse
10 Swipe Down Coarse
11 Swipe X Coarse
12 Swipe V Coarse
13 Swipe + Coarse
14 Shake Coarse