SHREC 2017

3D Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Depth and Skeletal Dataset

In conjunction with Eurographics 3DOR'2017 Workshop, April 23-24, 2017

Online DHG

The SHREC 2017 track on 3D Hand Gesture Recognition was dealing with the pre-segmented gesture from the Online-DHG dataset with is realized in an online scenario.

The online dataset provides 280 sequences of 10 unsegmented gestures occurring sequentially.

The unsegmented sequences for online recognition scenario are available here.

Task description

Recent virtual or augmented reality devices offer new 3D environment in which we need new and precise manner to interact. Hands can offer an intuitive and effective tool in these applications. Some gestures, as swipes, are more defined by the hand motion (called here coarse gesture) while others are defined by the hand shape through the gesture (called fine gesture). This difference between useful gestures have to be taken into account in a hand gesture recognition algorithm.

Effective and inexpensive depth sensors, like the Microsoft Kinect, are increasingly used in the domain of computer vision. By adding the third dimension into the game, depth images give new opportunities to many research fields, one of which is the hand gesture recognition area. Very recently, new devices as the Intel RealSense or the Leap Motion Controller also provide precise skeletal data of the hand and fingers in the form of a full 3D skeleton corresponding to 22 joints. Hand skeletal data could handle a precise information of the hand shape that HCI applications need in order to use the hand as a manipulation tool.

In this track, we present a new 3D dynamic hand gesture dataset which provides sequences of hand skeletal data in addition to the depth images. Such a dataset will facilitate the analysis of hand gestures and open new scientific axes to consider. This track aims to bring together researchers from the computer vision and machine learning communities in order to challenge their recognition algorithm of dynamic hand gesture using depth images and / or hand skeletal data.


The dataset contains sequences of 14 hand gestures performed in two ways: using one finger and the whole hand. Each gesture is performed between 1 and 10 times by 28 participants in 2 ways - described above - , resulting in 2800 sequences. All participants are right handed. Sequences are labelled following their gesture, the number of fingers used, the performer and the trial. Each frame of sequences contains a depth image, the coordinates of 22 joints both in the 2D depth image space and in the 3D world space forming a full hand skeleton. The Intel RealSense short range depth camera is used to collect our dataset. The depth images and hand skeletons were captured at 30 frames per second, with a resolution of the depth image of 640x480. The length of sample gestures ranges from 20 to 50 frames.

Intel Real Sense Depth camera

Intel Real Sense Depth camera

Skeleton of the Intel Real Sense Depth camera

The full skeleton returned by the Intel Real Sense

Skeleton of the Intel Real Sense Depth camera

Two different hand shapes using (a) one finger or (b) the whole hand


Example of a swipe left gestures. We remind that RGB data are not contained in the dataset.

Buttons to download the dataset are currently broken. We will fix them as soon as possible. In the meantime, please use the following two links in order to download the dataset either in rar or tar.gz format:


The files of the dataset are structured as below:

|   +---finger_1
|  |   +---subject_1
|  |  |   +---essai_1
|  |  |   |   
|  |  |   |   depth_0.png
|  |  |   |   depth_1.png
|  |  |   |   ...
|  |  |   |   depth_N-1.png
|  |  |   |   general_informations.txt
|  |  |   |   skeletons_image.txt
|  |  |   |   skeletons_world.txt
|  |  |   |
|  |  |   \---essai_2
|  |  |   ...
|  |  |   \---essai_5
|  |   \---subject_2
|  |   ...
|  |   \---subject_20
|   \---finger_2

For a sequence of size N:

List of the 14 gestures

# Name of the gesture Type of the gesture
1 Grab Fine
2 Tap Coarse
3 Expand Fine
4 Pinch Fine
5 Rotation Clockwise Fine
6 Rotation Counter Clockwise Fine
7 Swipe Right Coarse
8 Swipe Left Coarse
9 Swipe Up Coarse
10 Swipe Down Coarse
11 Swipe X Coarse
12 Swipe + Coarse
13 Swipe V Coarse
14 Shake Coarse


We emphasized our main challenges compared to existing hand gesture datasets: (1) Study the dynamic hand gesture recognition using depth and full hand skeleton; (2) Evaluate the effectiveness of recognition process in terms of coverage of the hand shape that depend on the number of fingers used. The same movement is performed with one or more fingers, and the sequence can be labelled according to 14 or 28 label classes, depending on the gesture represented and the number of fingers used.

Indeed, labelling the sequences using the 14 gesture labels during the recognition process allows to judge if an algorithm can face the high coverage of hand shape while performing the same gesture with different number of fingers.

In the other hand, we can use 28 labels by grouping sequences following their type and the number of finger used to perform the gesture. In this manner, we will be able to evaluate the different methods on the task of fine-grained hand gesture recognition task.

The evaluation of proposed methods to this track will be performed as follow: the participants will have to return two files (following 14 or 28 gestures labels as described above) containing the label predicted by their algorithm for each hand gesture sequence in the test dataset (30% of the whole dataset). Please, if you can, add the time in millisecond for each sequence labeled. Each file will contain 840 lines formatted as follow:

id_gesture     id_finger    id_subject    id_essai    label_found    time_millisecond

On the submitted results, we will compute the recognition accuracy compared to the provided ground truth. Please add a readme file in which you will precise the computer environment of your experiment (ex: 8GB RAM, Intel Core i5-3210m @ 2.5 GHz – 2 cores) and the data you are using (skeleton, depth or both).

Instructions to participants

Here are the different steps to follow by the participants:

The track is now over, please feel free to send us your results in order to add them on the leaderboard.


Method Researchers Accuracy 14 gestures Accuracy 28 gestures Date added
Skeleton-based Dynamic hand gesture recognition [1] Quentin De Smedt, Hazem Wannous and Jean-Philippe Vandeborre 88.24 81.90 07 / 2017
Key frames with convolutional neural network [2] Joris Guerry, Bertrand Le Saux and David Filliat 82.90 71.90 07 / 2017

[1] De Smedt, Q., Wannous, H., & Vandeborre, J. P. (2016). Skeleton-based dynamic hand gesture recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 1-9).

[2] De Smedt, Q., Wannous, H., Vandeborre, J. P., Guerry, J., Le Saux, B., & Filliat, D. (2017, April). SHREC'17 Track: 3D Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Depth and Skeletal Dataset. In 10th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval.

More details in the paper in 10th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval:
    Quentin De Smedt, Hazem Wannous, Jean-Philippe Vandeborre, Joris Guerry, Bertrand Le Saux, David Filliat, SHREC'17 Track: 3D Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Depth and Skeletal Dataset, 10th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Lyon, France, April 23-24, 2017. [DOI: 10.2312/3dor.20171049] [PDF]


January 16, 2017 — call for participation;

February 16, 2017 — deadline for registration by email;

February 20, 2017 — deadline for result submission by email;

February 21, 2017 — deadline for 1-page summary paper.

The track is now over, please feel free to send us your results in order to add them on the leaderboard.


The organizers of this track are:

To contact the organizers, please use the main contact email address: Hazem Wannous.