Paper submission
The recommended length for papers is 6 pages, following the ACM Proceedings format (full information available at the ACM Multimedia Submission Page).
All submissions must be written in English. They must contain no information identifying the author(s) or their organization(s). Main recommendations to follow are:
- do not put the author(s) names or affiliation(s) at the start of the paper
- anonymize citations to and mentions of your own prior work in the paper
- do not include funding or other acknowledgments in papers submitted for review.
Simultaneous submission to another conference/workshop/journal is not allowed. Papers must be original and have not been published or under consideration for publications elsewhere. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee recognised for their competence in the field covered by the paper.
Final decision about inclusion in the workshop proceedings will be taken by the PC members exclusively on the basis of the obtained reviews and levels of recommendation.
Papers must be registered and submitted using the ACM Multimedia conference management software.