Important Dates Paper Submission February 16 2014
Author Notification: March 30, 2014
Camera-ready and Registration: April 11, 2014 | SCOPE ISNCC
2014: The International Symposium on Computers, Networks and
Communications covers theoretical and practical aspects related to
Information Systems, Communication Networks and Computing Technologies.
symposium addresses these major scientific topics with deep industrial,
economic and societal issues, far beyond the framework of the
communication networks and their role in the evolution of our modern
societies. The
ISNCC 2014 edition will propose a set of technical presentations made
by internationally recognized researchers and experts. Young
researchers participating in this event will have the opportunity to
present their work and obtain feedback during dedicated sessions
intended to further facilitate interactions and the exchange of ideas. The target audience of ISNCC ranges from Ph.D. students to Master and engineering students. Researchers and engineers from companies are welcome, and may greatly benefit from the broad vision provided by this symposium. Note
that there will be opportunity for conference presenters to publish
extended versions of the accepted papers in the form of a book, edited
by Professor Zaigham Mahmood (of Univ of Derby UK and North West Uni S
Africa) and published by Springer Verlag. |