Boulbaba BEN AMOR

Boulbaba Ben Amor received the M.Sc. degree in 2003 and the Ph.D degree in Computer Science in 2006, both from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France.
Currently, he is an associate-professor in Institut Mines-Telecom / Telecom Lille. He is also a member of the Computer Science Laboratory in University Lille 1 (LIFL UMR CNRS 8022).
His research interests are mainly focused on statistical three-dimensional face analysis and recognition and facial expression recognition using 3D. He is co-author of several papers in refereed journals and proceedings of international conferences. He has been involved in French and International projects and has served as program committee member and reviewer for international journals and conferences.
Corresponding information
- Professional webpage:
- Email: boulbaba dot benamor at telecom-lille dot fr
- Telephone: +33 3 20 43 64 18
- Office: D111S, Telecom Lille, cité scientifique, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
- 2013-03-22: Rachid El Khoury's Phd Thesis defense.
- 2012-06-15: Jean-Philippe Vandeborre's HDR defense.
- 2012-05-24: CORESA 2012 at TELECOM Lille1, 24-25 May 2012.
- 2012-05-23: Ahmed Maalej's PhD Thesis defense.
- 2012-05-12: Lahoucine Ballihi's PhD Thesis defense.
- 2012-01-24: SHREC'12 3D-mesh segmentation track.
- 2012-01-17: Some new publications at the very beginning of 2012.
- 2011-11-18: Job offer – PhD Research Position.
- 2011-10-18: Halim Benhabiles' PhD Thesis defense.
- 2011-09-27: Hedi Tabia's PhD Thesis defense.
- 2011-07-04: Hassen Drira's PhD Thesis defense.