Preliminary program
9:00 - 9:10: Opening
9:10 - 10:00: Keynote
- By Dr. Michael Bronstein, Institute of Computational Science, University of Lugano
10:00 - 11:00 - Oral session 1: 3D Recognition (Chair: Pietro Pala)
- Generative Object Definition and Semantic Recognition
T. Ullrich and D.W. Fellner.
- Real-Time 3D Face Recognition using Line Projection and Mesh Sampling
M.A. Rodrigues and A. Robinson
11:00 - 11:15 - Coffee break
11:15 - 12:45 - Oral session 2: Non-rigid shape matching and retrieval (Chair: M. Bronstein)
- Refining shape correspondence for similar objects using strain
L. Phan, A.K. Knutsen, P.V. Bayly, S. Rugonyi, and C. Grimm
- ConTopo: Non-Rigid 3D Object Retrieval using Topological Information guided by Conformal Factors
K. Sfikas, I. Pratikakis, and T. Theoharis
- Heat diffusion approach for feature-based body scans analysis
C.Lovato, C.Zancanaro, U.Castellani, and A.Giachetti
12:45 - 14:00 - Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30 - Oral session 3: Local shape descriptors (Chair: M. Daoudi)
- Bag of Words and Local Spectral Descriptor for 3D Partial Shape Retrieval
G. Lavoué
- Local shape descriptors, a survey and evaluation
P. Heider, A. Pierre-Pierre, R. Li, and C. Grimm
- Evaluation of 3D Interest Point Detection Techniques
H. Dutagaci, C.P. Cheung, and A. Godil
15:30 - 15:45 - Posters fast forward session (1 minute per poster. Chair: A. Ferreira )
- A GPU based high-efficient and accurate optimal pose alignment approach of 3D objects
Q. Zhang and J. Jia
- Selecting 3D Curves on the Nasal Surface using AdaBoost for Person Authentication
L. Ballihi, B. Ben Amor, M. Daoudi, A. Srivastava, and D. Aboutajdine
- Human Activity Modeling on Shape Manifold
S. Yi, H. Krim, and L. K. Norris
- Feature Template based 3D Model Retrieval
X. Pan, Q. Chen, and Z. Liu
- Partial Match of 3D Faces using Facial Curves between SIFT Keypoints
S. Berretti, A. Del Bimbo and P. Pala
- A Framework For 3D Object Retrieval Algorithm Analysis
T. Lourenco, A. Ferreira, and M. J. Fonseca
15:45 - 16:30 - Poster discussion and coffee break.
16:30 - 18:00 - SHREC2011 session (Chair: R. Veltkamp)
- Shape Retrieval on Non-rigid 3D Watertight Meshes.
Z. Lian, A. Godil, B. Bustos, M. Daoudi, J. Hermans, S. Kawamura, Y. Kurita, G. Lavoué, H.V. Nguyen, R. Ohbuchi, Y. Ohkita, Y. Ohishi, F. Porikli, M. Reuter, I. Sipiran, D. Smeets, P. Suetens, H. Tabia, and D. Vandermeulen
- Generic Shape Retrieval.
H. Dutagaci, A. Godil, P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, G. Litos, S. Manolopoulou, K. Goto, T. Yanagimachi, Y. Kurita, S. Kawamura, T. Furuya, and R. Ohbuchi
- Robust feature detection and description benchmark.
E. Boyer, A. M. Bronstein, M. M. Bronstein, B. Bustos, T. Darom, R. Horaud, I. Hotz, Y. Keller, J. Keustermans, A. Kovnatskyy, R. Litmany, J. Reininghaus, I. Sipiran, D. Smeets, P. Suetens, D. Vandermeulen, A. Zaharescuy, and V. Zobel
- 3D Face Models Retrieval.
R. C. Veltkamp, S. van Jole, H. Drira, B. Ben Amor, M. Daoudi, H. Li, L. Chen, P. Claes, D. Smeets, J. Hermans, D. Vandermeulen, and P. Suetens
18:00 - 18:30 - Discussion and closing.
19:00 - ??? - Workshop dinner.