Camera ready submission and registration procedure
Authors of the accepted papers should upload the camera ready no later than February 22, 2011. Camera ready paper submissions should be done through the SRM site of Eurographics: All submissions should be formatted according to the standard layout for Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2011 publications. A LaTeX2e style file to generate this layout is available on the submission instruction page of the submission website. Authors are also required to upload or fax the copyright transfer form.
Note that the maximum length is 8 pages for full papers, and 4 pages for short papers. Both full and short papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Short papers will be presented during a poster session.
Note that for inclusion of accepted papers in the printed proceedings, at least one of the respective authors should register for the workshop latest by February 22, 2011. Details of the registration procedure are avaialble here.